GRE has to be one of the most insomnia inducing standardized tests out there. It really is something that demands your time, energy, attention, focus and concentration. I know that for many of the applicants to the Fulbright Scholarship this year, they are about to appear for the GRE exam. So to help you all out, here are some free GRE resources that I have compiled that will help you tackle some key areas and concepts. Download and print, as and when required:
GRE Resources
1,014 practice questions for the new GRE with an answer key: 1,014 Practice Questions for the New GRE, 2nd Edition
These practice questions are one of the best GRE resources and will help you go through your concepts and polish your skills.
Remember that the GRE syllabus is nothing you haven’t done before. It contains the same old concepts, formulas and subject matter that you have tackled in high school. So do not wait for your preparation to finish before you start practicing. Practice all the way through even when you are on your first chapter of the GRE book.
GRE Math Review – for quick revisions: GRE Math Review (available free on the ETS website)
You should stop detailed preparation the night before the exam.
If you have prepared well, you will know how all the formulas were derived but even if you are short on time and would rather save the mind-numbing fear of forgetting something, take a print out of this document to revise all the main formulas and related strategies right before the exam.
Magoosh GRE eBook: Magoosh GRE eBook
This eBook can be your best friend. You can go through this on your phone, if you download a PDF on the phone that is, while you commute to and from work.
It contains all of the major strategies that you require to ace the exam and breezes over difficult concepts so that you ace the exam.
Snuggle into bed with a mug of tea and a copy of this and you will find yourself revising more efficiently and getting more into your brain.
It is a complete and instructive guide to cracking the new GRE as well as excellent strategies to ace the exam.
Magoosh GRE Math Formula eBook: Magoosh_GRE_Math_Formula_eBook (available on ETS website)
It is always better to know how a formula is derived – but as a short cut, this is a good read right before sleep. Read the concepts out loud to yourself. Humans have an interesting attribute of retaining the information they hear in their own voice.
The Super RCs (reading comprehension) guide: Superguide RCs by American Education Aids
This Super RCs guide includes 550 questions divided into ten famous and reoccurring categories.
It also includes all the answers. This is your best bet to practice all your Reading Comprehension skills and really crack the exam. The explanations make it very easy and you grasp the strategy immediately.
I wish all of the candidates the very best of luck. I hope these GRE resources will help you in your preparation. Please leave all your questions in the comments section and I will get back with a detailed response.
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Muhammad Fawad Sarwar
I am an Electrical Engineer by profession and a blogger by passion. I love to teach and share knowledge. I love to read books, play games, write blogs and in my spare time.
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